May 21, 2024

Pyjamarama Day

On Friday 17th May, staff and pupils at Highcliffe Primary School came together to celebrate Pyjamarama Day.

An annual event, Pyjamarama Day is all about celebrating reading and raising money for Book Trust, a children’s reading charity who encourage young people to read from an early age and ensure they have access to a bedtime story.

Highcliffe pupils each brought in £1 and came into school dressed in their pyjamas. Throughout the day, they enjoyed participating in a variety of activities which were centred around reading.

They created their own bedtime stories, created stop-motion animations on the theme of books, made posters and wrote reviews about their favourite books; pupils were also able to ‘buddy up’ with children from other classes and share book recommendations.

It wasn’t just the pupils, though, staff also got involves. They donned their PJs and took photos of themselves reading in unusual places!

It was an action-packed day and one that certainly highlighted the importance and joy of reading!