March 13, 2024

World Book Day

Pupils at Highcliffe Primary School delved deep into the magical world of literacy on Thursday 7th March, as they celebrated World Book Day.

The school opened its gates and invited a host of fictional characters inside as - from EYFS through to Year 6 – children ditched their uniform and instead came into school dressed as their favourite book characters.

Donning their vibrant costumes, it was off to the hall at the beginning of the day for an important assembly which explained the significance of World Book Day and why it is celebrated. Year 4 teacher Miss Mason then read an animated version of the Dr. Seuss classic The Lorax.

Demonstrating the school’s strong links with the local community, parents and carers were invited in and, alongside their children, were invited to turn a potato into their favourite book character. Entries were laid out and pupils had the opportunity to vote for their favourite.

The three winners were; Nevaeh in Year 5 who created a snowman-inspired model, Reception Lily with her homage to Tangled and finally Amelia in Year 2, who decorated her potatoes in the style of characters from the classic Little Miss… series. They all received a World Book Day badge.

Throughout the remainder of the day, pupils engaged in multiple initiatives designed to promote a passion for literacy; they had fun designing their own book covers and were even given the chance to create their own super-villain!

It was a magical day and one that certainly brought to life the joy of reading!